DAIKOKU Shin'ichiroi
石川県輪島市出身。大阪大学文学部日本学科言語系で社会言語学・日本語教育学・比較言語学を専攻。卒業後ホテル勤務などでサービス業に携わったが、以前より考えていた「言語」に関する仕事に就くため'99年退勤。再度勉強開始。'00年WIPジャパン入社、現在に至る。社内システムアドミニストレータ。英TOEIC 965。
Shin'ichiro Daikoku is a project manager at translation firm WIP Japan Corporation. He coordinates translation projects for WEBPROJECT.JP. He's also the driving force behind the website SPORTS trans, which he developed to add some fun to his work. Sports trans provides specialized translation services for sports content (related to the Olympic Games, football, etc.).
He graduated from Osaka University, where he majored in sociolinguistics and pedagogy in the Japan Studies Department, School of Letters.
After graduating, Shin embarked on a career path in the hospitality industry in which he worked as a head waiter in a hotel banquet service. But then his interest in language was rekindled by his interest in foreign cinema. At the same time he started to come into contact with non-Japanese people more and more frequently. In the late 1990s, he started once again to study English in earnest and achieved TOEIC scores that put him in the 99.5 percentile! It was then that he found a new career in translation services.
He spends much of every day connected to the internet, both in the office and at home. He's not a web designer per se but has broad, basic knowledge of of the field, and is comfortable using GoLive, Photoshop and Illustrator in his work.
Shin played basketball in junior high, high school and university. These days he occasionally skis and plays tennis recreationally. He's an avid armchair athlete as well. He never misses a tennis open, and follows major league baseball standings daily, and catches NBA games on cable whenever he gets the chance.
各都道府県 多言語化対応の現況